Halgerda willeyi from the Philippines
March 8, 2000
From: Bernard Picton

Hello Bill,
Here is a picture of a specimen which I now suspect to be H. graphica - Willan and Coleman have a picture of a very different looking animal as H. graphica but this one seems very like the drawing in the original description - in particular it has the main reticulate pattern of ridges but also a series of curved, darker yellow lines in the areas between the ridges and dark markings there also. Also from the Philippines in 1983.
Picton, B., 2000 (Mar 8) Halgerda willeyi from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2051Dear Bernard
Your animal looks quite like Halgerda elegans, with the radiating black lines on the mantle skirt. I have added a page for comparison. I have also added a copy of Bergh's original colour plates. Your photo also looks quite like H. graphica . Both were described in 1905. If they are the same we will need to know which was published first to determine which name to use.
There is one difference between H. elegans and your photo and that is the colour of the rhinophore clubs. In H. elegans the club is essentially black whereas in your animal th club is white with a black band around the midregion. This is the same colour as found in Halgerda willeyi, which I think your animal is.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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