Thuridilla multimarginata found sthn Queensland
September 5, 2007
From: Gary Cobb

HI Bill and everyone!
Please find for your viewing pleasure a very beautiful Thuridilla multimarginata we found on the east end of the Wall at Old Woman Island. The markings and colours are quite spectacular. Yet again the 'Island' provides for quite an array of Sea Slugs!
Locality: Old Woman Island, Sunshine Coast, 10 m, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 30 Sept 2006, Subtidal. Length: 11 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
Cheers and happy branching,
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G.C., 2007 (Sep 5) Thuridilla multimarginata found sthn Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Gary,
Thanks for another record of this species from Australia - or from anywhere. It's good to get photos of these recently described species so we can gradually build up an idea of colour variation in the species - as well as geographical distribution.
I think today is going to be Thuridilla day
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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