Elysia setoensis from Japan
March 14, 2000
From: Satoru Hori

Dear Bill,
I attached 2 image files. I think it is a kind of Elysia. But I can not find it in the seaslug guide books that I have.
Would you identify it for me?
Its length is about 10mm.
It was found at Miura Peninsula in Japan.
It was crawling on seaweed at 1m depth.
Best regards,
Satoru Hori.
Hori, S., 2000 (Mar 14) Elysia setoensis from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2086Dear Saturo,
I think this is Elysia setoensis which was described from Kii, Japan. The characteristic features of that species are white tipped papillae on the parapodia and along the parapodial edge, and a large white 'wart' on the neck behind the rhinophores. Hamatani also says that 'the parapodial margins are apt to form a series of three imconspicuous lobes'.
It is a little hard to be sure from your photos, but I can see the white-tipped parapodial papillae at least on the left side of your photos, and I preseum the white spots along the parapodial edge are on papillae. The large white patch I can see in the photos, behind the rhinophores, is presumably the 'neck wart'. If any of these features are clearer in other photos you have perhaps you could send me a scan to clarify my identification.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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