Placida cremoniana from the Bay of Biscay
April 1, 2008
From: Mikel Cortes

I found this sacoglossan last October, it is the first time I ever have seen one of them. Is it Placida cremoniana? I took the photo at 20 metres, inside the Bilbao harbour in the Bay of Biscay, North of Spain.
Locality: Bilbao, inside the harbour., 20 metres, Sapin, Bay of Biscay, 21 October 2007. Length: about 10 mm. Photographer: Mikel Cortes.
Cortes, M., 2008 (Apr 1) Placida cremoniana from the Bay of Biscay. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mikel,
Yes this is Placida cremoniana. This species has a very strange distribution. It was described by Trinchese (1893) from the Mediterranean and then Baba (1949) reported it from Japan. Since then it has been found at various other places in the western Pacific as far south as Sydney in eastern Australia. We should really compare the anatomy of Mediterranean and Pacific animals to confirm they are the same species. Like a number of animals with puzzling distributions like this we can't say if its original home is the Mediterranean just because it was reported there first. Perhaps it hitched a ride to Europe on the bottom of some early explorers sailing ship?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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