Juvenile of Dondice banyulensis with its food
March 25, 2008
From: Miquel Pontes

Dear Bill,
In our last dive we found this juvenile seaslug that we believe to be a Dondice banyulensis, despite the rhinophores are not ringed as they are in adult specimens.
However, what is curious from the picture is the fact the D. banyulensis is surrounded by beautiful Eudendrium (?) which I believe it feeds on.
Locality: Platja de Caials, Cadaqués, Costa Brava, 8 metres, Spain, Mediterranean Sea, 27 october 2007, Rocky precoraligen. Length: 12-15 mm.. Photographer: Miquel Pontes.
Best regards,
Miquel Pontes
Pontes, M., 2008 (Mar 25) Juvenile of Dondice banyulensis with its food. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21046Thanks Miquel,
Juveniles can be quite difficult to identify. I woud be interested by comments in the identity of this animal as the arrangement of the cerata - and their size - seem a bit unusual for Dondice banyulensis.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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