Digidentis perplexa & friend
March 21, 2008
From: Sarah Quine

On the weekend i was happily photographing this Digidentis perplexa not realising he had a friend. when i got home and uploaded my images i noticed the brown blob at the back had what looked suspiciously like rhinophores. The one good image of the Digidentis is bad of the other critter but the few oput of focus shots show the other one.
I couldn't find him in the Coleman bible and would love to know what he is, i just cant believ i didnt see him when i was photographing the other one. In 4 years of diving in Tasmania i have never seen 2 different species together it really blew me away!
Locality: Lagoon Bay, Tasman Peninsula, 15m, Tasmania, 03-Nov-2007, Rocky shelf under the bull kelp line on the side of a small rocky island. Length: the digi was 18mm so bigger than that. Photographer: Sarah Quine.
i hope you can help,
Kind Regards
Sarah Quine

Dear Sarah,
I can't see a brown 'blob' at the back of your photos so I hope you mean the brown blob at the right. The rhinophore-like objects are indeed rhinophores and I have included a close-up of them to show the characteristic leaflets.
This brown animal is a species of Aphelodoris, but as there are a number of very similarly coloured brown species in southern Australia I wouldn't like to guess which one this is on the basis of this photo.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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