Polycera hummi from Mississippi, USA
November 21, 2007
From: Gretchen Grammer

Dr. Rudman,
This sea slug was found on 8 Nov 2007 in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Jackson County, Mississippi, USA on a floating mat of bryozoans while seining for fish. I think it is in the genus Polycera, and would greatly appreciate any help to identify it to species level.
Locality: Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, 0.5 m, Mississippi, USA, Gulf of Mexico, 08 November 2007, Erosional edge of natural saltmarsh in a bryozoan mat (muddy clay bottom). Length: 2.5 cm. Photographer: Gretchen Grammer.
Gretchen Grammer
Grammer, G.L., 2007 (Nov 21) Polycera hummi from Mississippi, USA . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21151
Dear Gretchen,
This is the west Atlantic species Polycera hummi. It is known from only a very few records from Nth Carolina and Florida so yours from Mississippi is a welcome addition. It give us a good idea of the colour pattern and the number of papillae arranged around the mantle edge. Since there are only about six known records of this species since its description in 1952, every new one helps build up a better picture of this species' shape and colour
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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