Re: Onchidoris neapolitana from the Adriatic Sea
April 16, 2008
From: Borut Mavric

Concerning message #16434:
Dear Dr. Rudman,
On 27 February we found a red colored sea slug on a bryozoan covered stone. It was found at depth of cca. 4 m in the sea grass meadow of Cymodocea nodosa. The specimen measure was around 5 mm in total length. We checked the Sea Slug Forum for identification and now we think it's Onchidoris neapolitana.
Although we (the Marine Biological Station in Piran) have been collecting evidence of different sea slugs in the area for almost a decade, this is the first record of such species. We would be very grateful if you can help us to solve this identification problem or to confirm our findings.
Locality: Piran, 4 m, Slovenia, Northern Adriatic Sea, 27 February 2008, bryozoan covered stone among Cymodocea nodosa. Length: max 5 mm. Photographer: Borut Mavric.
Greetings from Piran,
prof. dr. L. Lipej & B. Mavric
Mavric, B., 2008 (Apr 16) Re: Onchidoris neapolitana from the Adriatic Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Borut,
From your photos and its presence on the bryozoan colony, I would agree it is most probably Onchidoris neapolitana. I am sure Lucas Cervera will kindly let us know if it isn't.
Your location reminded me of an all too short visit I made to Slovenia after attending Heike Wagele's Opisthobranch Workshop in Bonn in 2006. It is definitely one of the beautiful secrets of Europe.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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