Hypselodoris infucata - feeding, egg ribbon
June 4, 2008
From: Teresa Zuberbühler

Concerning message #17447:
Dear Bill
I send you 2 photos of a Hypselodoris infucata laying eggs to add to the photos of this nudibranch mating (Photos taken in Bali and Sulawesi).
While looking through my photos I also found a good photo of Hypselodoris infucata feeding on a sponge. I send you a large photo so you might be able to make out which species of sponge it is.
You can see, that the nudbranchs were really "flocking" to that place - there were even more there then the 3 specimens on the photo, perhaps six or so, if I remember correctly and they were all really buring their mouthparts in the sponge! (Photo taken in Sulawesi)
Locality: Lembeh, 15-20m, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific, July 2004 / 2006 / 2007, Muddy. Photographer: Teresa (Zubi) Zuberbühler.
Zuberbühler, T., 2008 (Jun 4) Hypselodoris infucata - feeding, egg ribbon. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21614
Dear Zubi,
Thanks for these interesting photos. While the upper two photos are of H. infucata, I am pretty sure the lower photo is of H. kanga. If you look at earlier messages from Mike Krampf [message #18901] and Bob Whorton [message #14188] you will see I discuss how these two similarly coloured species can be distinguished by the shape and coloue of their gills. In your lower photo you can see the gills are triangular in cross-section, which means the outer edge has two red lines, instead of only one in H. infucata. Usually we can see white or yellow spots inside the red lines in H. kanga. In your upper photo, showing the group feeding, some of the gills on the animal on the right have a double red line on the basal half. I suspect all the animals in that photo are H. infucata, but the double line is a bit of a puzzle - perhaps it is related to the larger size of this animal.
Thanks for the feeding photo. Unfortunately the sponge they are eating is well hidden under a layer of sand. I presume the sponge will be a species of Dysidea, which is the sponge they are normally found eating. From your photos it seems both H. infucata and H. kanga have almost identical egg ribbons. We have a number of other photos of the egg ribbon of H. kanga, but surprisingly no others of the widespread H. infucata. If anyone has photos of its egg ribbon they would be a useful confirmation.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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