Favorinus branchialis from South Wales
July 17, 2008
From: Judith Oakley

Dear Bill,
but I have quite a few sightings to tell you about from South Wales, UK.
The most exciting find for me recently was in a rockpool on Worm' Head Causeway, Gower, South Wales on June 3 2008. I observed 2 x Onchidoris bilamellata [lower photo] laying spawn on a rock about a foot down and there were 5 x Favorinus branchialis seemingly feeding on it. There was some other spawn nearby [upper photo - left side - Aeolidia papillosa?] but they were ignoring this. See attached images - not very good as was getting used to new camera, but they illustrate the story. I have never recorded either species before. In fact, after some investigation, it seems that F. branchialis has not been recorded on Gower before, so I am hopeful that this is the first record.
Best regards
Judith Oakley

Dear Judith,
The aeolid is definitely Favorinus branchialis. The dark brown rhinophores with a white tip and subapical swelling are characteristic. And so is the white pattern on the back behind the rhinophores. It is reported to occur all around the British Isles, but doesn't seem to be particularly common anywhere. It is good to get another feeding record.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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