Hypselodoris maculosa from the Solomon Ids
September 4, 2008
From: Barbara Hanchard

Bruce Potter suggests this might be Hypselodoris maculosa. Another one of the chromodorids we found on the 12 Jan 2006 wreck dive along with H. zephyra, H. krakatoa, Mexichromis multituberculata and others [see message #21863 ].
Locality: Tommy Chan Wreck, Ranadi, 35 meters, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean, 12 January 2006, Wreck. Length: 30 mm. Photographer: N.Barbara Hanchard.
Colour was as appears in the photo, a blinding white mantle and no noticeable striation patterns. Sorry no other photos or aerial views which would have been handy.
Hanchard, N.B., 2008 (Sep 4) Hypselodoris maculosa from the Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/21864Dear Barbara,
If your last message [#21863] wasn't enough to confirm these animals were eating Euryspongia, then this message must surely do so. We don't have much evidence on the food of Hypselodoris maculosa but Bruce Wilkie's [#20944] and Scott Johnson's [#2155] messages show that it eats Euryspongia. So even though your animal is not feeding on a sponge in your photo, its presence with the other three species, suggests they have been attracted by a common food. Very interesting!
Since the wreck was only 4 months old, it would suggest these four species have grown rather quickly from larvae, as I can't imagine they have all crawled there from other places.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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