Hallaxa fuscescens found sthn Queensland
November 25, 2008
From: Gary Cobb

Concerning message #17550:
Hi Bill and everyone!
Here is a record of Hallaxa fuscescens found here in the intertidal zone at Alexandra Headland. We have found almost 100 species here. Also included is a photo of the animal spawning.
Locality: Alexandra Headland, Mooloolaba, 100 mm, Queensland, Australia, Pacific Ocean, 10 April 2004, Intertidal. Length: 20 mm. Photographer: Gary Cobb.
Cobb, G.C., 2008 (Nov 25) Hallaxa fuscescens found sthn Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/22064
Thanks Gary,
It's nice to get a photo of its egg ribbon. In the middle photo we also get a good view of the 'goblet'-shaped gill cluster which is so characteristic of this family. I would be interested in any photos you have of it on its food sponge [see message #17533 ].
Also nice to see the photo of the very colourful form of Pectenodoris trilineata.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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