Re: Chromodoris elisabethina from Indian Ocean?
January 29, 2009
From: Sylvain Le Bris

Concerning message #21646:
Hi Bill,
I am not sure but do you think this is Chromodoris elisabethina?
Locality: Nurserie, 15 m, Mayotte, Indian Ocean, 03 December 2008. Length: 2.5 cm. Photographer: Sylvain Le Bris.
Best regards
Sylvain Le Bris
Le Bris, S., 2009 (Jan 29) Re: Chromodoris elisabethina from Indian Ocean?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Sylvain,
Every now and then we find an animal which doesn't fit well into any of the many black-lined chromodorids. It looks quite like the West Pacific C. elisabethina and the Indian Ocean C. hamiltoni and C. quadricolor but the wide white band separating the orange border from the inner black line is unusual. At present I have been calling some of these puzzling forms Chromodoris cf. africana but only as a stop-gap measure until we can make better sense of them. One problem is that in most of these species, juveniles can have quite a wide white band as in your animal.
C. elisabethina seems to be restricted to the western Pacific, but we do have specimens from the eastern Indian Ocean [see John Hicks' animal from Christmas Island #6583]. See also Colin Ogden's message #20568 showing the great variability in C. hamiltoni.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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