Diaphorodoris from the Red Sea
March 27, 2009
From: Binyamin Koretz

Concerning message #22087:
Dear Bill,
Came across this very small chromodorid and thought maybe it could be a juvenile Diversidoris aurantionodulosa based on the orange color on the rhinophores and gills, the yellow coloring at the margin of the mantle, and of course the tubercles on the notum. I wasn't able to measure its length and my impression in situ was around 3 mm when it was curled around the little 'stick', but based on how big the photos came out when it was stretched out I'm revising that guess to about 5 mm or so.
Locality: Eilat, Tables South, 28 m, Israel, Red Sea (Gulf of Eilat), 20 March 2009, sea grass. Length: 5 mm (est.). Photographer: Binyamin Koretz.
What do you think?
Best regards
Koretz, B., 2009 (Mar 27) Diaphorodoris from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/22353
Dear Binyamin,
Although it looks quite like Diversidoris aurantionodulosa, the body looks more rigid than in most chromodorids. More importantly, the structure of the rhinophores is quite different. In the close-up you can see the lamellae slope down to form a V on the posterior side and are cup shaped, which is quite different from the closely layered lamellae found in most chromodorids. I am pretty sure this is the same as the animal in two earlier messages [#17545; #21713 ] which I am sure are a species of Diaphorodoris. I have tentatively placed them with D. mitsuii but the reddish band on the rhinophores is not present in that species. I guess we will have to wait until we get more records from the Indian Ocean. The western Pacific animals show quite a bit of colour variability so perhaps there is a similar amount of variability - if slightly different colours - in the Indian Ocean population.
One other possible clue is that species of Diaphorodoris feed on bryozoans and I suspect the 'stick' your animal is on is a bryozoan colony.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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