The real Stylocheilus longicauda from eastern Atlantic
August 20, 2009
From: Peter Wirtz

Hi Bill,
Here is a Stylocheilus longicauda from a floating rope at Madeira Island. You write that it is circumtropical but are there really records from the EASTERN Atlantic (that do not refer to S. striatus) ?
Prof. Dr. Peter Wirtz
Wirtz, P., 2009 (Aug 20) The real Stylocheilus longicauda from eastern Atlantic. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Peter,
Rang's illustration of Aplysia citrina, which looks very like your photo, was from the "equatorial mid-Atlantic on floating Fucus" [see separate discussion]. I think that's the nearest find to the eastern Atlantic - but it may be worth checking Engel's paper which I don't have a copy of at home.
As this species is seldom reported, it is good to get another record - and one that certainly gets us closer to the eastern side of the Atlantic.
Rang, S., (1828) Histoire Naturelle des Aplysiens. 83pp. Paris: Imprimerie Firmin Didot.
Engel, H. (1930): Aclesia citrina (Rang), eine zirkumtropische Aplysiide. Zoologischer Anzeiger 86(7/8): 211-219.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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