Doris fontainei from Tristan da Cunha
November 18, 2009
From: Sue Scott

Note: For cross-reference I have posted 3 copies of this message. This copy deals with Doris fontainei. - Bill Rudman
Hello Bill,
I consult your very informative website from time to time to try & identify seaslugs. I'm a marine biologist normally resident in Scotland but I've been running a marine project on Tristan da Cunha for the past few years. Because the island is so isolated and geologically young it has a weird & wonderful fauna, mostly derived from waifs & strays rafted there on marine debris, both natural and manmade. Attached are 3 photos of seaslugs from Tristan, which I have tentatively identified as Tyrinna nobilis [message #22796], Doris/Anisodoris fontainei and Jorunna tomentosa [message #22799]. I'd be grateful for your expert opinion on these ids. Many of Tristan's animals also occur in Chile & Argentina, as is the case with the first two of these seaslugs. If the Jorunna is correct, it maybe came from the South African side.
Locality: Tristan da Cunha, Intertidal pools east of Harbour, British Overseas Territory, South Atlantic Ocean, 2004-2007 (dates available), Extremely exposed rocky coasts. 37 03' 50.94"S, 12 18' 43.64"W. (position derived from Google Earth; note decimal seconds) Photographer: Sue Scott
Dear Sue,
It's not always easy to identify these large tuberculate dorids from photos but I would tend to agree with your identification. I am sure if Michael Schroedl or Angel Valdes have their doubts they will let us know. With the addition of Tristan da Cunha, this species and Tyrinna nobilis have very similar geographic ranges.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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