Chromodoris from North Carolina
December 16, 2009
From: Roger Skillman

Could someone please identify this for me? I took this picture in 1988. Sorry for the picture quality.
Locality: Beaufort, 8 m, NC, USA, Atlantic Ocean, July 1988, Radio Island Rock Jetty. Length: <5 cm. Photographer: Roger Skillman.
Roger Skillman
Skillman, R.L., 2009 (Dec 16) Chromodoris from North Carolina. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Roger,
This has recently been identified as Chromodoris neona, but as I have discussed elsewhere on the Forum, I think this is an unnamed species which I am calling Chromodoris sp. 17. Have a look at the Fact Sheet for further information.
I suspect this is quite a range extension for the species which has previously not been reported further north than Florida
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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