Re: Chromodoris strigata from Philippines
January 26, 2010
From: Franca Wermuth

Concerning message #13086:
Dear Bill
Here's another Chromodoris strigata from the Philippines. There is something attached to the right side of the animal - sorry that the picture is not sharper.
Locality: Bonbon, Romblon Island, 20-30 m, Philippnes, Sibuyan Sea, 02 October 2009, steep slope. Photographer: Franca Wermuth.

Dear Franca,
Although these are slightly out of focus, the sponge is definitely a species of the Dysideidae. Species of Chromodoris don't usually feed on sponges of this family but as we have other records of C. strigata feeding on dysideids [see messages #17409; #1086] we will need to look at this species more closely.
It is an interesting observation
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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