Chromodoris colemani?
September 10, 1998
From: Aloysia Murni Shintosari

I have no idea about this because I cannot find any picture that look like these picture. Is it possibly that this is a variation? Because when I compare the pictures of Chromodorididae, there are many species that look similar to one another.
They are from the reef at Penjaliran Barat Island, Thousand Islands, Indonesia.
Thankyou for any advice
Aloysia Murni Shintosari
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense
Cibinong, Indonesia.
Aloysia Murni Shintosari, 1998 (Sep 10) Chromodoris colemani?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Aloysia,
I am not quite sure whether this is a colour form of Chromodoris colemani or a distinct species. I have specimens from Malaysia as well. .. Bill Rudman.
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