Turtles eating Sea Hares
May 5, 2000
From: Michael D. Miller

Following up on your observations regarding large Pleurobranchus forskalii being eaten by turtles in Tanzania, I would like to offer the attached photo courtesy of Dr. Wes Farmer, to add to the predation records. The photo depicts sea turtles dining with gusto on offered sea hares in a holding pen at Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico. It would appear from the photo that the turtles are showing no hesitancy in devouring the hapless sea hare which would seem to indicate prior encounters in the wild.
Miller, M.D., 2000 (May 5) Turtles eating Sea Hares. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2360Thanks Mike,
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