Happy to see an Aplysia forum
May 26, 2000
From: Itai Plaut

Hi all,
I am happy to see your forum, which is interesting and educating. I studied Aplysia oculifera in the Red Sea and I would love to share my knowledge with you.
Attached are some photos from my thesis on larval development and a list of my publications on A. oculifera.
• Plaut, I., A. Borut and M.E. Spira (1995). Growth and metamorphosis of Aplysia oculifera larvae in laboratory culture. Mar. Biol.,122: 425-430.
• Plaut, I., A. Borut and M.E. Spira (1996). Life time energy budget and resource allocation in the sea hare Aplysia oculifera (Adams and Reeve, 1850). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 113A(2): 205-212.
• Plaut, I., A. Borut and M.E. Spira (1996). Influence of various environmental conditions on growth and reproduction in the sea hare Aplysia oculifera. J. Comp. Physiol. B., 166: 510-516.
• Plaut, I., A. Borut and M.E. Spira (1998). Seasonal cycle and population dynamics of the sea hare Aplysia oculifera in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba), Red Sea. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 64: 239-247.
All the best,
Itai Plaut
Plaut, I., 2000 (May 26) Happy to see an Aplysia forum. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2444Dear Itai,
Thanks for making contact and for the photos from your thesis which I have put on a separate page with a summary of your interesting work on larval development and metamorphosis.
Any further information on your studies would be of great interest. By coincidence you will see that the Forum has recently received a message from Alaa youssry Moustafa who is also studying aspects of Sea Hare biology in the Red Sea.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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