Phidiana hiltoni fighting
July 15, 2000
From: Bruce Wight

Dear Bill,
As I said in my earlier message, I have seen many Hermissenda crassicornis nudibranchs together and have never seen two acting aggressively towards each other.
There is one local aeolid however, that is very aggressive towards others of its own kind, and that is Phidiana hiltoni. If two are put together in the wild, they will immediately start to fight, tearing into and ripping cerata off each other. Here are two photos of the combat.
Take care,
Bruce Wight
Wight, B., 2000 (Jul 15) Phidiana hiltoni fighting. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
Thanks again. I don't know about anyone else, but your photos of Phidiana hiltoni feeding and fighting, have brought a species I have never seen, to life for me.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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