Re: Dendrodoris from California
July 19, 2000
From: Clinton BauderĀ
Note added 3 February 2005: This has been named Dendrodoris azineae
Dear Bill,
Since sending my message Dave Behrens has gotten back to me and confirmed that it is what I thought it was. He also mentioned that George Spalding and Peter Bruegemann at Scripps have seen it in Scripps Canyon at about the same depth and that it is now known from 3 locations.
One more thing. The original specimen was apparently lost. Anybody seeing the animal may wish to collect one for Dave Behrens so that it can be described for science.
Bauder, C., 2000 (Jul 19) Re: Dendrodoris from California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Dendrodoris sp. 3. = Dendrodoris azineae
From: Bill Rudman, February 4, 2005 -
Dendrodoris? from California
From: Clinton Bauder, July 19, 2000