Opisthobranchs from Hong Kong
July 21, 2000
From: Bill Rudman & Brian Darvell

In the 1980s, Brian Darvell and many willing assistants, made a large collection of opisthobranchs in Hong Kong. During this process I helped with identifications, background information and advice, and most of the collections were presented to the Australian Museum. A part of the collections were dealt with in Rudman & Darvell, (1990). To ensure that the photos and records are more widely available Brian Darvell and I have decided to add them to the Sea Slug Forum where we are able to reproduce the colour photographs much more adequately than on paper. This will of course be a gradual process, starting with the species covered in the 1990 publication.
The first species covered is Chromodoris sinensis, which falls into the Chromodoris verrieri colour group which I am also trying to complete.
PHOTOS: UPPER: South Ninepin (SE), 12-14 m, July 1983, 10-14mm long preserved, AM C139272 LOWER: July 1984, North Ninepin (NE), 15 m. Hong Kong, AM C142942 Photos: Brian Darvell.
Hong Kong Collection Records: AM C133723, 14 March 1982, Site 11.19, South Ninepin (SW), 13 m. AM C134756, 11 July 1982, Site 8.31, Kong Tau Pai (N of Wang Chan), 14 m. AM C137059-060, 2 specimens, 14 November 1982, Site 2.32, Round Is. (E), Mirs Bay, 9, 12 m. AM C138526, 2 specimens, 6 April 1983, Site 6.48, Loo Fu Fong, Tolo Channel, 3-6 m. AM C138527, 7 April 1983, Site 4.46, Kong Chau (N), Mirs Bay, 4-10 m. AM C138528, 7 April 1983, Site 7.50, Wu Kai Sha, Tolo Harbour, 0.3 m. AM C138529, 9 April 1983, Site 2.54, Mit Kok Tsui, Wong Wan Chau, Mirs Bay, 3-5 m. AM C138530, 10 April 1983, Site 4.57, Bate Head, Mirs Bay, 5-10 m. AM C138531, 3 specimens, 12 April 1983, Site 2.61, Bluff Head, Tolo Channel, 4-7 m. AM C138532, 12 April 1983, Site 6.62, Flat Reef, Tolo Channel, 7-12 m. AM C138533-534, 4 specimens, 13 April 1983, Site 5.16, Chek Chau (W), Mirs Bay, 2-5 m. AM C138535, 14 April 1983, Site 2.66, Round Is. (W), Mirs Bay, 3-6 m. AM C138536, 15 April 1983, Site 2.67, Kai Kung Tau, Kat 0 Chau, Mirs Bay, 5-10 m. AM C138537, 2 specimens, 17 April 1983, Site 5.75, Chu Ma Pai, Tolo Channel, 3-14 m. AM C138538, 2 specimens, 20 April 1983, Site 3.80, Ping Chau (S), Mirs Bay, 4-10 m. AM C139268, I May 1983, Site 8.38, Long Ke Wan (NE side), ~ 10 m. AM C139269, 3 specimens, 8 May 198 3, Site 2.66, Round Is. (W), Mirs Bay, 4-6 m. AM C139270, 3 specimens, 3 July 1983, Site 8.84, Tai Long Wan, centre reef, 7-9 m. AM C139271-276, 6 specimens, 24 July 1983, Site 11.87, South Ninepin (SE), 12-14 m. AM C139295, 7 August 1983, Site 8.89, Fan Tsang Chan (E), Long Ke Wan, ~ 10 m. AM C141477, II February 1984, Site 10.98, Kiu Tau (S), Kiu Tsui Chau, Port Shelter, 6 m. AM C142169, 31 March 1984, Site 10.99, Kiu Tau (W), Kiu Tsui Chau, Port Shelter, 6 m. AM C142332, 2 specimens, 17 June 1984, Site 5.1 10, Tap Mun (W), Long Harbour, 7 m. AM C142942, 2 specimens, 15 July 1984, Site II. 1 13, North Ninepin (NE), 8, 15 m. AM C 1 42943, 8 specimens, 22 July 1984, Site 2.67, Kai Kung Tau, Kat 0 Chan, Mirs Bay, 9-11 m. AM C142944, 29 July 1984, Site 8.14, Basalt Is. (SW), 1 1 m. AM C145290, 23 September 1984, Site 2.155, Round Is. (S), Mirs Bay, 12 m. AM C145296, 6 October 1984, Site 11.156, Tai Hang Tun, Port Shelter, 15 m. AM C146962, 24 March 1985, Site 8.14, Basalt Is. (SW), 12 m. AM C147931, 4 August 1985, Site 8.84, Tai Long Wan centre reef, 13 m. AM Cl53707, 2 specimens, 11 July 1987, Site 11.181, Duck Rocks (S), Port Shelter, 14 m. Depth range: 0.3-19 m.
Reference: Rudman, W.B. & Darvell, B.W. (1990) Opisthobranch molluscs of Hong Kong. Part 1. Goniodorididae, Onchidorididae, Triophidae, Gymnodorididae, Chromodorididae, (Nudibranchia). Asian Marine Biology, 7: 31-79
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B. & Darvell, B.W., 2000 (Jul 21) Opisthobranchs from Hong Kong. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/2758Related messages
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