Phyllidiella annulata from Thailand
August 25, 2000
From: Narongpon Sittithaweepat

Dear Bill
This specimen is Phyllidiella sp. I found it in 50-60 feet at Chomporn, Thailand . Its size is 2 cm. So could you please identify it for me.
Thank you
Sittithaweepat, N., 2000 (Aug 25) Phyllidiella annulata from Thailand. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Narongpon,
This is Phyllidiella annulata. Most illustrated specimens are much brighter pink than your animal, but it seems that some species of Phyllidiella, like Phyllidiella pustulosa, can range in colour, or even change colour from a bright pink to a dull green. One other difference is that in your animal the 'rings' in the centre of the mantle do not have a black 'hole' in the centre, but you can see a dull gray spot in the centre.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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