Dendrodoris from Solomon Ids
August 31, 2000
From: Bruce Potter

Dear Bill,
I have included another Nudibranch with this Email. The only thing I can find in any of my books like it is a Dendrodoris tuberculosa. In most of my books the D. tuberculosa is quite different, but there is one from Japan which is a bit like this beast. It was about 11cm long, and very attractive compared with most of the photo's of D. tuberculosa I have seen.
Thank you for your interest in what I have sent you. And thanks for your offer of Web information. I have this week decided that I must connect to the Web myself, so have now got myself a Web address, so will be able to log onto your site for further information.
Thanks again
Bruce Potter.
Potter, B., 2000 (Aug 31) Dendrodoris from Solomon Ids. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
I a pretty sure you are right in identifyng this as Dendrodoris tuberculosa. It is indeed prettier than 'normal' specimens, but the shape of the tubercles and the rhinophores are very characteristic of this species. Another species he has often been confused with is Dendrodoris carbunculosa. One other good sign of D. tuberculosa which I can't see in the photo, are large white spots on the underside of the mantle, which you may remember seeing, as they are quite spectacular.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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