Thorunna australis? from Japan
September 7, 2000
From: Hitoshi Ono

Dear Bill,
Your WebPage is so instructive for me. I often check a sea slug. Thanks a lot!
By the way, last week I found a sea slug in Tokyo Bay during fun diving.
I wonder it is a Thorunna australis. But I have doubt my idea because the place it was found is far from the location on your species list.
Date:26 August 2000
Location:Tateyama, a point of Boso peninsula in Tokyo Bay
Depth: 20m.
Water temperature: 23deg C
Area: on a rock.
Hitoshi Ono
Ono, H., 2000 (Sep 7) Thorunna australis? from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Hitoshi,
Your animal is indeed Thorunna australis. Don't doubt your eyes if they disagree with something in the Forum. The exciting thing about science is finding new things and making new observations. I try to keep the Forum as up to date as possible but there will always be things that need correcting or updating as we make new observations. If you look at the messages on the Thorunna australis page there are also new records from the Philippines and the Marshall Ids, so I have updated the information on distribution.
I also note that Atsushi Ono has a photo of Thorunna australis from Kerama Ids so we can definitely say that it is found as far north as Japan. Thanks again for the record from Tokyo Bay, it is very interesting.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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