Photos of Chromodoris coi
September 10, 2000
From: Mary Jane Adams

Hi Bill,
Thanks for your excellent presentation of Chromodoris preciosa. Here are some images for your Chromodoris coi page.
•UPPER RIGHT: I saw this one crawling on the encrusted hull of a ship wreck in Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon in January, 1992. It was the first time I had seen a nudibranch lifting it's mantle skirt as it crawled and I was totally enchanted. Depth: 10 meters Crawling length: 50 mm
•LOWER LEFT: This one has it's gills completely retracted. Ghavutu Island, Florida Group, Solomon Islands, November, 1994. Depth: 5 meters, length: 40 mm
•LOWER RIGHT: It looks like the tips of two of the gills have been nipped off. I guess that's why retractable gills evolved. Albatross Pass, New Ireland, PNG, August, 1997. Depth: 5 meters, Length: 44 mm
Best regards,
Mary Jane

Dear Mary Jane,
Thanks for the great photos, which help bring this wonderful animal to life. One interesting feature I noticed in the Solomon Islands animal was that two of the mantle glands were partially extruded, much as I have seen previously in Chromodoris aureopurpurea. This is quite ineteresting because there is some debate over whether the structures which contain the distasteful chemicals in chromodorid mantles are actually able to secrete or discharge the substances they contain. No pores have been found in histological studies which have led one group to call these structures mantle dermal formations or MDFs for short. It is therefore nice to see that in at least some species the contents can escape from the mantle skin.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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