Chromodoris kempfi from Colombia
October 20, 2000
From: Phanor Montoya

Dear Bill:
I found this nudibranch in coral reef zone [Santa Marta, Colombia - Caribbean coast]. I'm sure It is Chromodoris kempfi . It was 15mm long. Since there are no records from Colombia of this nudibranch, mine will be the first one?
Sincerely yours,
Phanor Montoya
Montoya, P., 2000 (Oct 20) Chromodoris kempfi from Colombia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Phanor,
The only records I know of this animal are from the original description from Brazil, from the Caribbean end of the Panama Canal (Meyer, 1977), Anne Dupont's record here in the Forum from Florida, and Humann's book which has records from Florida keys and Bahamas. So you are indeed the first person to record it from Colombia.
If you have kept the specimen, it would be of interest to look at its anatomy because the multicuspid jaw rodlets and very very small multidenticulate teeth described by Marcus, make it very unlikely that this is a species of Chromodoris. It is perhaps a species of Mexichromis or Durvilledoris.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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