Parasites on Dirona albolineata
October 25, 2000
From: Ellen Hansen

I'm doing some research on Dirona albolineata and have come across some interesting parasites (which I'm told are copepods). These parasites somehow make their way into the host and lay egg capsules that are seen streaming off the host. I've had a number of infected hosts die, and would like any information possible: their name, how they infect the host and how it is infectious. It breaks my heart to see them infected and there seems to be no research on it.
These animals where collected in Bamfield, British Columbia, Canada by scuba in both wave sheltered and exposed areas. Any input would be great.
Dear Ellen,
I hope someone can help us out with some information on your parasites. It would be interesting to know of anyone working on these parasites. There are of course a whole range of copepods living in association with opisthobranchs ranging from those that just seem to scurry around on their bodies (see Symbiosis Page) to more serious pests such as Ismaila.
I would be interested to know what sort of research you are doing with Dirona.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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