Another Ceratosoma sinuata from Solomons
October 24, 2000
From: Buce Potter

I was very interested in the message from Scott Johnson about the "Sinuata". I have seen his photographs of this creature in a couple of books I got recently. Here is one more picture of the pink/orange one I have been watching here for the past few weeks.
This angle shows a greenish colour around the gill area.
Bruce Potter.
Potter, B., 2000 (Oct 24) Another Ceratosoma sinuata from Solomons. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from added 30 April 2007: Until now on the Forum C. sinuata and C. flavicostata have been considerd forms of one species. See message #19854 where they and C. magnifica are considered separate species.
Thanks Bruce,
This looks very much like the animals photographed by Mary Jane. One thing worth looking at in these Solomons animals is that whether the ground colour is green or brownish, the gills all have little orange specks. Other forms or 'species' of this group have white specks and others have lines. I don't know what it all means at this stage but I have found before in chromodorids that an apparently minor colour diference can prove an important marker in separating species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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