Halgerda tessellata variations
January 4, 2001
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
Attached are three apparently geographic variations of Halgerda tessellata. E026-1 is from the Marshall Islands, where the two dozen or so specimens observed were colored approximately the same. P026-1 is from Pohnpei in the eastern Carolines, and it was similar in color to one other specimen observed there. S087-2 is from the Solomon Islands, and I saw at least two others there with the same color form. All measured within the 15 to 25mm range.
Dear Scott,
Thanks for the photos. I also feel that these are colour variations of one species. When I catch up with the backlog of messages I'll have a look for a few more colour forms. The Solomon Ids form seems to be the most common one in the South Pacific. I have just seen it again in Lifou and it s not uncommon on the Great Barrier Reef.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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