Tergipes tergipes image

January 2, 2001
From: Daniel Geiger

Hi Bill,

You were asking for a clearer picture of Tergipes tergipes. I have shot some in St. Kilda [Outer Hebrides, Scotland in 1993] with a 50 mm macro lens on a bellows plus the unique Olympus 65-113 mm variable extension tube. It provided approximately a magnification of 10:1 with cropping giving an other factor of 1.5 - 2x. (specimen size 2-3 mm.) Depth of field is approximately a few angstroms. With f/8 I exceeded maximum advantageous f-stop [fmax = 32/(m + 1) hence at 10x fmax = 32/11 = f/3 !] by 3 f-stops, which is just about at the pain level, because some blurring due to diffraction becomes obvious, but there is at least some depth of field. Anyway hope the shots suit the purpose.

Best wishes


Geiger, D., 2001 (Jan 2) Tergipes tergipes image. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/3454

Dear Daniel,
Thanks for this great New Year's present. I excuse the blurring - when the animal is only 2-3mm and there are cerata sticking out at all angles I find it amazing that you have got so much in focus.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.


Tergipes tergipes

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