Yellow dorid from SW France

March 16, 2001
From: Jean-Pierre Bielecki

Dear Bill
Thank you and Bernard for your so complete response in connection with the "poor" parasitized Aeolidiella alderi. Can you help me to identify this yellow Dorid found in the Atlantic.

Date: 03/07/00
Dive site: "le mur", Hendaye, south west France
Size: 2cm
Depth: 12m
Water temperature: 15°C

Best regards

Bielecki, J-P,, 2001 (Mar 16) Yellow dorid from SW France. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Jean-Pierre,
At a quick guess I would say a species of Doriopsilla. It could be a colour form of Doriopsilla areolata Bergh 1880 which is lacking the typical white reticulate pattern on mantle. The only sign of white in this animal is the white edge to gill pocket. There is another yellowish species from the region, Doriopsilla rarispinosa, but it has white pustules and a more translucent mantle.

However I could be quite wrong and I am definitely breaking my own rule about not commenting on animals I know little about, so let's wait until we get a reply from someone who knows about your fauna.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2001 (Mar 16). Comment on Yellow dorid from SW France by Jean-Pierre Bielecki. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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