Re: Solid Black Nudibranch
April 13, 2001
From: Nathan Paden

I got some pics of the nudibranch last night! On closer inspection I think it is a Dendrodoris nigra. However it's mantle still doesn't appear as pronounced as the pics on your site and it is solid black with only the tips of the rhinophores with any white at all.
The bluish purple color around the edge was not a result of the camera. I could plainly see that color with my eyes. The question would be whether the lighting in my aquarium could have caused that color
Paden, N., 2001 (Apr 13) Re: Solid Black Nudibranch . [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Nathan,
The photos make it much easier. Yes it is Dendrodoris nigra. When crawling along the mantle 'skirt' tends to be folded down against the sides of the body so it doesn't look as wide and 'frilly' as in some of the photos on the site. The blue edge is a bit unusual, but a bluish sheen is often present around the mantle margin and on other parts of the body. As you mention, it is usually only visible in certain lights.
Species of Dendrodoris are able to squeeze into very narrow cracks and crevices so I ma not sure how big your animal would have been when you got your last 'live rock'. Whatever its size, it seems to have found a supply of one of the sponges it feeds on in your aquarium, which is certainly stroke of luck for it (and you).
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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