Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis in the Red Sea
May 23, 2001
From: A. Farhner & M. Schroedl

Hi Bill,
We found that Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis is one of the most common nudibranchs in the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea. The fact that it has been so rarely reported since its original collection in 1980 can be explained by being confused with the externally similar, well-known species Phyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804).
Principal distinguishing characters of P. sinaiensis include the central tubercle ridge, large and multicompound, broad based, pink tubercles (the low tubercles of the holotype are artifacts), and bicoloured black and pink rhinophores. In some specimens, the bases of the tubercles may fuse, leading to a predominantely pink dorsum with only a few black lines.
Farhner, A. & Schroedl, M. 2000. Redescription of Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis (Yonow, 1988), with review of Red Sea Phyllidiidae. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66: 467-476.
Best wishes,
Alexander and Michael
Farhner, A. & Schroedl, M., 2001 (May 23) Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis in the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Alexander and Michael,
Thanks for your continuing contributions to the Forum. They are much appreciated
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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