Phyllidia from Philippines
January 5, 1999
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
this shot: Alona Bch, Panglao, Balicasag Is., Philippines, Oct. 1998, 25m (4cm long). I think it's a colour variant of Phyllidia elegans, but the rhinopores are WHITE and there are NO tubercles capped in yellow. Brunckhorst writes: "The background of the dorsum is black and the notal tubercles are pink and often capped in yellow. However some specimens may have only one or a few yellow-capped tubercles...The rhinopores are yellow..."
Koehler, E., 1999 (Jan 5) Phyllidia from Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
I think it is a Phyllidiopsis and most probably P. krempfi. I know you can't see the typical black strips on the rhinophores but perhaps its the way the photograph appears -or perhaps the animal is damaged. I'm pretty sure its not Phyllidia elegans, which I'll try and post a page on, because the yellow rhinophores are very characteristic of that species. Also species of Phyllidia have a very characteristic tubercle associated with each rhinophore pocket. This structure, called a "rhinotubercle", is at the outside back of each rhinophore pocket and only occurs in Phyllidia and Fryeria.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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