Reproduction in Archidoris pseudoargus
June 13, 2001
From: Bernard Picton

Hi Bill,
Here are some mating and egg-mass photos of Archidoris pseudoargus to accompany my other message.
The mating photo (upper right) shows how variable the colour pattern is in this species. On the west coast of Ireland I've often observed smaller animals with small
spawn coils (lower left) and I wonder if this species can reproduce for a long time at different body sizes, or even live for two years, reproducing twice (if reproduction is seasonal).
UPPER RIGHT: Copulating pair - Ballintoy Harbour, Co Antrim, N. Ireland, Feb 1976
LOWER LEFT: Small form and spawn coils - Rathlin O' Birne Is., Co Donegal, Ireland. Aug 1986.
LOWER RIGHT: Typical spawn coil - Ballintoy Harbour, Co Antrim, N.Ireland, Feb 1976.
Thanks Bernard,
Are the yellow and white typical spawn coils in your Ballintoy photo evidence of a range of egg colour in the population or does the egg change colour during development?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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