Elysia crispata from Colombia
June 16, 2001
From: Alexander Taborda Marin

Dear Rudman:
My name is Alexander Taborda Marin, I am student of marine biology from Colombia and actually I have an investigation on nudibranchia in Santa Marta (Colombia- Caribbean sea). Please, I want to know if the organism is Elysia crispata, because the colour is green normally, and this individual have the mantle of colour orange. The length is 30 mm.
Taborda, A., 2001 (Jun 16) Elysia crispata from Colombia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/4580Dear Alexander,
You're definitely luckier than I am, I have never seen this animal alive. If you look at the other messages on this page it is quite variable in colour. Have a look at Anne Dupont's photo from Belize of an animal with very similar orange colouring.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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