Metaruncina setoensis f rom Japan
July 11, 2001
From: Jun Imamoto

Dear Dr.Rudman,
I found a interesting animal at Hachijo Island, Japan last week [July 2001}. I thought that it's a kind of Chelidonura but soon I noticed it's
tail. I believe that this is a Metaruncina setoensis. I attached 3 images that
I took. I would be very happy if I could hear your comment.
Best Regards,
Jun Imamoto
Dear Jun Imamoto,
Your animal is Metaruncina setoensis, as you thought. Apart from their very small size, one way they differ from Chelidonura and other aglajids is they do do have a separate head shield, so there is no backward directed flap about halfway down the back on a runcinid.
best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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