Oxynoe viridis f rom South Australia
August 17, 2001
From: Nigel Holmes

The attached photo of Oxynoe viridis on Caulerpa cactoides is from Spencer Gulf, South Australia, just off Port Pirie, but I, and Karen Gowlett-Holmes, have also seen it elsewhere in South Australia, mostly on C. cactoides on which it seems well camouflaged.
Nigel Holmes
Holmes, N., 2001 (Aug 17) Oxynoe viridis f rom South Australia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/5029Thanks Nigel,
This is certainly a darker green than usual for this widespread species but may reflect the colour of the Caulerpa it feeds on. I am not sure where the skin pigment comes from in these sacoglossan species which do not retain plastids from their food. Another of the many mysteries we still need to investigate.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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