Philine from Azores
February 11, 1999
From: Sergio Avila

Hi there
I have collected at São Miguel, Azores (North Atlantic) at about 14m, a white/translucent shell, protoconch yellowish, (4mm x 2mm) that I tentatively identified as Philine desmotis Watson, 1897 (CEPHALASPIDEA: PHILINIDAE). (My picture at right).
In the Azores and according to Mikkelsen (1995), there are 6 species of Philine reported:
P. approximans Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896
P. azorica Bouchet, 1975
P.? lima Brown, 1827
P. monilifera Bouchet, 1975
P. quadrata (S. Wood, 1839)
P. rugulosa Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896.
P. azorica is reported to be a shallow-water species, but I have no pictures of it. Can anybody give me a help?
Best wishes,
Dr. Sergio Avila
Departament of Biology
Marine Biology Section
University of the Azores
9500 Ponta Delgada
Avila, S., 1999 (Feb 11) Philine from Azores. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Opisthobranch records from the Azores
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Molluscs from the Azores
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Re: Opisthobranchs from the Azores
From: Erwin Koehler, February 3, 1999 -
Opisthobranchs fron the Azores
From: Sergio Avila, February 1, 1999