Aplysia from Portugal
November 28, 2001
From: João Pedro Silva

I've just found your website and thought you might appreciate this photo, although I understand it's not even near "good quality". It's an Aplysia depilans laying its eggs [UPPER RIGHT]. It was taken on the evening of the 3rd of November of 2001 in Baleal, Portugal, which is a peninsula situated aproximately 80km north of Lisbon (see map). It was taken at aproximately 1m depth with a Bonica Seaking Snapper with a 1:6 macro and using the built in flash. The bottom in that area is covered with small rocks (between 0.125m3 and 1m3). The area is situated on the western edge of the peninsula and is very much exposed to waves coming from northwest.
I'm also including a photo [LOWER RIGHT]with a detail of an Aplysia fasciata, another common species in this area. That one was taken in the eastern margin of the peninsula, an area with sandy bottom punctuated with some small rocks. Apart from these two species, Aplysia puctata is also found here, although not as frequently as the others. Just one final note, Aplysia are known in Portuguese as "vinagreira" (pl. "vinagreiras"). This may be a reference to the purple ink ("vinagre" means vinegar in Portuguese) as vinegar in some areas is predominantly produced from red wine.
Well, hope you find this useful. Sorry for my English, it's a bit rusty.
Best regards,
Joao Pedro Silva
Dear João,
Thanks for the interesting information on Sea Hares in your part of the world. It was interesting to hear that in Portugal they are called "vinagreira". Last year I was told by a French friend that in southern France they are called 'Pisse vinaigrette' - again in reference to their ink.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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