Limapontia capitata
January 4, 2002
From: Mike Noren

This isn't really a request for ID, as I already know what it is. I noticed there weren't any of these guys on picture, and since I happened to have a pic handy...
This slug was was collected in late November 2001 at Tjärnö on the Swedish west coast, from filamentous algae growing just below the water line on a floating jetty. The slug was observed eating the algae. I'm not very good at identifying algae, but it looked like Bryopsis.
Size of the slug is about 2mm.
Mike Noren
Noren,M., 2002 (Jan 4) Limapontia capitata. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mike,
Another common European animal I am not very familiar with. Tom Thompson mentions that adults of this species have auriform rhinophoral tentacles which I can't see in your photo. Does that make yours a juvenile?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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