Can you assist with an ID please?
January 4, 2002
From: Goldrim

I was directed to post this ID as we were unable to come up with a more exact ID on Reef Central. Please let me know if you have an idea as to what it might be.
This thing is about 2-3mm wide and maybe 8-10mm long. I can see antennae and there is no visible shell, thus we concluded it was possibly a sea slug.
Goldrim, 2002 (Jan 4) Can you assist with an ID please?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Goldrim,
It's always useful to give us some idea of where the slug was found. Different parts of the world have quite different species of animals.
Your animal certainly looks like a sea slug and is probably a species of Phyllidiella - most probably P. pustulosa. See John Chuk's message. Species of phyllidiid do not have a set of gills on their back but I am not sure from your rather blurred photo whether I can see gills or not. I guess the 'antennae' you mention are at the right end of your photo. There also seems to be something black at the left end but that coukd be something on the rock behind. Can you let me know or send another photo to clarify whether it has gills or not. If it does, then it is probably one of a number of dorid nudibranchs which mimic phyllidiids.
best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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