Chromodoris tumulifera from Hong Kong
January 27, 2002
From: Bill Rudman & Brian Darvell

Here is some information and photos on Chromodoris tumulifera from Brian Darvell's Hong Kong collections.
White mantle with a bright golden orange submarginal band usually with irregular projections on the inside of the band.
There are large dark red or reddish-purple spots on the mantle, usually inside the yellow border but sometimes there are a few right on the mantle edge. The gills and rhinophores are a paie yellowish-brown. It grows to at least 25 mm long.
AM C140168, 2 specimens, 24 July 1983, Site 11.87, South Ninepin (SE), 12 m, Hong Kong. Photos: Brian Darvell.
Hong Kong Collection Records:
AM C133725, 23 March 1982, Site 7.25, Hoi Sing Wan Tolo Harbour, intertidal. AM C137056, 2 specimens, 26 September 1982, Site 8.33, Wang Chau (W), 7 m. AM C137057, 10 October 1982, Site 1.34, Tsing Chau, Crooked Harbour, 8 m. AM C140158, 3 July 1983, Site 8.84, Tai Long Wan, centre reef, 9 m. AM C140168, 2 specimens, 24 July 1983, Site 11.87, South Ninepin (SE), 12 m. AM C142946, 2 specimens, 22 July 1984, Site 2.67, Kai Kung Tau, Kat 0 Chau, Mirs Bay, ~ 9 m. AM C150247, 15 April 1986, Site 3.80, Ping Chau (S), Mirs Bay, 2 m. Depth range: 0-15 m.
• Rudman, W.B. & Darvell, B.W. (1990) Opisthobranch molluscs of Hong Kong. Part 1. Goniodorididae, Onchidorididae, Triophidae, Gymnodorididae, Chromodorididae, (Nudibranchia). Asian Marine Biology, 7: 31-79
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman & Brian Darvell
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