Nembrotha? from Japan
May 10, 2002
From: Ken-Ichi Ohno

[Note added 4 March 2008: This is the new species Nembrotha aurea - see message #21419]
How do you do,
Here is a photograph of Sea Slug which was taken in Suruga Bay, Japan, near Osezaki in 24m. The size was about 1cm. We thought perhaps it is new as we have not seen it before. I am an assistant medical examiner in Tokyo Met.. Although I dive as a hobby, I am very interested in marine life.
Ken-Ichi Ohno
Ohno, K., 2002 (May 10) Nembrotha? from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ohno,
Thanks for this interesting photo. I am fairly sure that it is a juvenile, and probably a species of Nembrotha. The colour looks unlike any species I am familiar with but as we know very little about colour variation in these animals I can't say whether this is a known species that changes colour as it grows into an adult, or whether it is an unnamed species. Has anyone else seem a colour like this before?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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