Scyllaeidae from Bahia de Banderas, (1)
May 18, 2002
From: Alicia Hermosillo

Dear Dr. Rudman,
I am sending you three messages on this same matter. Each one will have pictures of different individuals (perhaps species) of Scyllaeidae I have found. I sent the pictures to Dr. Behrens and he recommended I also sent them to you to see what you have to say about it.
This first one was found at 50 feet deep in Los Arcos, Bahia de Banderas, Pacific Coast of Mexico, May 4th, 2002 and is 16 mm long. It was on the alga you see in the picture.
It matches the description by Poorman and Mulliner of Crosslandia daedali but it is quite different from the pictures already on the Forum of this species.
Hermosillo, A., 2002 (May 18) Scyllaeidae from Bahia de Banderas, (1). [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ali,
Thanks for the interesting photos in your three messages. This one is identical in shape and colour to the original description of Crosslandia daedali so I am sure that is what it is. As I said in my reply accompanying Peter Ajtai's photo, we know so little about colour and shape variation in scyllaeid species, that identifying them involves quite a bit of guesswork. Know that I have seen your photo, I suspect that Peter Ajtai's photo is of a different species. To avoid confusion I will move it to a separate page.
I think your other two messages refer to Notobryon cf. wardi and a juvenile Crosslandia daedali.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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