Early larvae of Stylocheilus striatus
May 25, 2002
From: Duncan Revell

I sent you a message back in February when I started my 4th year Aquaculture hons project on Stylocheilus striatus larvae at the Bribie Island Aquaculture Research Centre, near Brisbane [Queensland, Australia]. I'm now back in Stirling University, Scotland, having handed in my thesis a week ago. I found that of the microalgae I fed them, Nannochloropsis oculata gave the highest survival rates of the newly hatched S. striatus veligers. However, Tetraselmis chuii gave the highest growth rates over an 8 day period. Both freshwater and 20ppm of formalin were extremely toxic to the veligers, and the adult fecundities were around 1,200,000 larvae/Kg of sea hare. Here are some of the graphs from my thesis. I found rearing the larvae through to settlement very difficult, and as I was running out of time I decided just to experiment on the newly hatched larvae.
Thank you for your identification help.
UPPER RIGHT: Food type and Growth of Stylocheilus striatus Larvae. Blue = Isochrysis galbana-fed larvae; Green = Nannochloropsis oculata-fed larvae; Red = Tetraselmis chuii-fed larvae; Black= Unfed larvae.
LOWER LEFT: Number of Larvae produced by 18 individual Stylocheilus striatus in relation to weight.
LOWER RIGHT: The Survival rates of Stylocheilus striatus Larvae. Fed Isochrysis galbana [Blue]; Fed Nannochloropsis oculata [Green]; Fed Tetraselmis chuii [Red]; Unfed larvae [Black].
Duncan Revell.
Dear Duncan,
Thanks for keeping in touch and letting us know how things went.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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