Record of Fryeria marindica from the Phillipines
June 22, 2002
From: Fredy Brauchli

Hello Bill
As you wrote earlier, Fryeria and Phyllidia might be difficult to separate. I suppose that this record shows Fryeria marindica, even if it is from Pandan Isl., Occ. Mindoro, Philippines. Do you agree?
Size: ca. 3 cm, depth: 10m, place: Neptun's Land, date: March 31st 2002.
Kind regards,
Brauchli, F., 2002 (Jun 22) Record of Fryeria marindica from the Phillipines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Fredy,
Some things are certainly difficult to be sure about when I have only a dorsal photo to look at, such as the position of the anus and whether there is a black median line on the sole of the foot. However, even though the black markings are more sparse than normal, I would agree with you, that this certainly looks like F. marindica. As this is supposed to be an Indian Ocean endemic ['marindica' = Indian Ocean], your find is quite interesting. It looks similar to Atsushi Ono's photo from Japan.
It will certainly be useful to build up more information on the geographic distribution of the various species of Fryeria which Brunckhorst (1993) proposed had discrete geographic boundaries, species replacing each other in different parts of the Indo-West Pacific.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Re: Fryeria marindica from the Phillipines
From: Bernard Picton , June 30, 2002